Mastering your master

Your bedroom should be your sanctuary, but when there are two different people involved, it can be hard to create a space you’re both happy with. To learn how to blend styles and create the perfect look, check out our top tips below.
Work together

One of the best tips we can give you is to work together. Before you start re-painting the walls and changing the furniture, sit down together and work out what styles you both like. The best-case scenario here is that you both have the same taste. However, if your tastes differ, it’s a good idea to try and blend your looks.
Choose a colour scheme that you both like

As well as finding a style that suits you both, it’s also advisable to choose a colour scheme that you’re both happy with. If you struggle to agree on a bright or bold colour for your room, choose a neutral colour instead. You can then add accessories in colours that you both like.