Build A House For Your Hose Reel

Build a latticed structure from treated pine to store a garden hose and reel, using it as a trellis to grow screening plants. It’s constructed using simple butt joints and to keep the timber from splitting all the holes are drilled with a 2mm combination countersink bit before securing treated pine screws.
Make the lattice panels
To build the wall and roof panels, use a jig to keep the frames square while the battens are attached.
Construct the jig from three lengths of 900 x 90 x 19mm pine offcuts secured to a square corner of the work surface using screws.
Cut one end of each stud at 45º on the 42mm side with a mitresaw.
Clamp the rafters and studs to the jig then drill the pilot holes and attach the battens with adhesive and 30mm screws, using 60mm spacers to keep the battens parallel.
To build the wall and roof panels, use a jig to keep the frames square while the battens are attached