How to Build a Dry Stone Wall

There’s beauty to creating a wall from a pile of stones and knowing, if done right, it will stand the test of time. Building dry-stone walls is an ancient practice, providing a practical solution to making terraces and raised garden beds or shoring up slopes. The natural finish of the stones visually complements most landscapes.
Stone wall construction is like fitting together a giant, three-dimensional jigsaw. The pieces are very heavy, so take your time and look after your back.
Natural Selection
A good-looking, stable wall depends on stone selection. Choose square, chunky stones as these jigsaw together better than round or oval shapes. The best walls have minimal gaps. Use different sized stones for different parts of the wall (see Diagram 1, below). You can buy them at landscape supply centres.
Select base stones about 300-350mm long, wall stones about 250-300mm long, capstones or headstones about 200mm long.
Buying stone is straightforward. It is often stacked on pallets and sold by the square metre. Larger feature rock pieces can be bought individually. Check your local listings for landscape supply centres.